Camera Position 44 : Photographer’s Bookshelf #3

This episode of Camera Position is the third entry in an irregular series of suggestions for the serious photographer’s bookshelf. This time, the selection is “On Photography,” an important – and occasionally somewhat difficult – book of photographic criticism and thought from writer Susan Sontag.

On Photography Cover image Steichen's Milk Bottles

Diagram of Plato's Cave

Click on images above for a larger view

Links for this podcast:

Photocast Network Roundtable Discussion #2

We’ve done another of the Photocast Network Roundtable discussions. This week , John Arnold (Photo Walkthrough), Chris Marquardt (Tips from the Top Floor), Ibarionex Perello (The Candid Frame) and Jeff Curto discuss the importance of printing, lens selection, metering & exposure and self assignments.

We’ve set up a separate subscription feed for these Roundtable (email me with suggestions for a better name) discussions so if you’re subscribed to more than one of the podcasts that participate in the discussions, you won’t get multiple downloads of the show.

Here are the ways you can get the podcast:

Since this is a new venture for us, let us know what you think and what you’d like to see on future episodes of the Roundtable. And… please… help us find a better name for this thing!

Camera Position 43 : There’s Creativity in The Zone

Creative photography benefits from mastering technical content. This first installment of a discussion of The Zone System of exposure will help you stop worrying about whether the photograph will “work out” so you can concentrate on being creative.

Zone Scale

In the photographs below, the highlighted side of the ball (left image) was “placed” on Zone VIII and the under side of the fountain was “placed” on Zone III.

(photographs by Jeff Curto; click images for larger views)

Ball placed on Zone VIII Fountain placed on Zone III

As long as you’re sitting there at your computer, why not take a couple minutes to support Camera Position by posting a comment on the iTunes Music Store? Thanks!

Technical Difficulties

Technical Difficulties

Yowza… sometimes doing a podcast is complicated beyond my control.

I’ve been having a terrible time over the last couple of weeks with the software that runs the blog and now that I’ve gotten that sorted out, I’m having problems with the plugin for the software that lets me post podcasts.

So, I’ve got a podcast in the hopper and hope to get it out there to you soon, but until then, take a look at the great content available on the Photocast Network.


Photocast Network Roundtable Discussion

For something new and different, four members of the Photocast Network ( gather to shed a light on photography from all sorts of different angles. When can I call myself a photographer? How to transition from film to digital? How do Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Adobe Lightroom compare? How to get the best pictures in low-light situations?

Featuring John Arnold (Photowalkthrough), Ibarionex Perello (The Candid Frame) Chris Marquardt (Tips from the Top Floor) and Jeff Curto.

Check out the Photocast Network Roundtable Discussion (link to post page)

Direct link to the .mp3 file

A Podcast About the Creative Side of Photography